Sunday, September 7, 2008

Nov. 2003: The decision to start our family

Aaron, my husband, and I had been married for a couple of years. It was November 2003, and we each had one year of college left. We knew that we definitely wanted to start a family, but we had wanted to wait until we finished college. With the end in sight, we figured it was time to start talking about trying to get pregnant, since these things don't usually happen over night. So, in December 2003, I went off of my birth control pills as the first step in the direction of having a child. We figured that it would take us a few months to actually get pregnant, so by the time the baby arrived, we would be finished with school.

Month after month went by, and the pregnancy test was always negative. I even invested in those ovulation predictor kits, but it didn't seem to help. Hmmmm, maybe we will have more trouble with this than we originally thought! My sister and Aaron's brother each had experiences with their respective spouses where conception happened practically overnight, so that's the outcome we had hoped for, but it seemed that it would no longer be that simple!


Lara Zierke said...

This is a great idea. Writing is so therapeutic, especially when your writing can help others. I can't tell you how many infertility and adoption blogs I lurk on. Knowing others' stories are so helpful. It helps so much to know I'm not alone.

My Voice Marshfield said...

such a good idea! Living in student housing really opened my eyes to the heart-wrenching process of wanting a baby and not being able to have one.
congrats on your 2nd!
: ) Lisa